Saturday, December 19, 2015

11-point checklist to prepare for combat

1.     Analyze the mission.
2.     Identify personnel, assets, resources, and time available. 
3.     Decentralize the planning process. 
4.     Determine a specific course of action.  
5.     Empower key leaders to develop the plan for the selected course of action. 
6.     Plan for likely contingencies through each phase of the operation. 
7.     Mitigate risks that can be controlled as much as possible. 
8.     Delegate portions of the plan and brief to key junior leaders. 
9.     Continually check and question the plan against emerging information to ensure it still fits the situation. 
10. Brief the plan to all participants and supporting assets. 
11. Conduct post-operational debrief after execution.

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